Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween 2005

Just wanted to post the latest pictures from Halloween.
Here is Andi posing with our beautiful girls. Caitlin decided that she wanted to go as a Kitty Cat, and Mikayla wanted to be a dragon. Needless to say we went with the second pick of 'Cowboy Girl'.

Mikayla the Cowboy Girl! We had her practicing yehaw and she loves to run around with her horsey.

Mikayla didn't want to wear her hat for some reason or another and boy I tell you what when she doesn't want to do something good luck in changing her mind! She is very strong willed and I think that will come in handy later in life.

Here is a closeup of Caitlin the Cat meowing. Andi did a good job of turning her into a Kitty. Note her black nose. Later on in the day they were sharing a drink and Mikyala ended up with that black nose!

This picture is of the Halloween day the kids had at school. Caitlin is giving the pumpkin pinata a good whack.

Andi went to school with them for the day and really enjoyed being around all the kids and helping out, I think she is a teacher at heart and we shall see where that leads.

Bob and Carol Warren are on their way here today and we look forward to spending some good trick or treating time with them. I will post some pics of that when I have some.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pumpkin Patch Oct 2005.

This time of year men set aside their masculinity to romp with their children in the hay and pumpkins. I did just this this morning and it actually turned out to be pretty fun.

Caitlin and Mikayla were a little worried about getting on the tractor for the hay ride but after we got moving they had lots of fun.

Our beautiful girl waiting for the ride to start.

Caitlin striking a pose.

The Girls got to pick out their own pumpkins and here they are with them! Caitlin just 2 seconds before this picture was bawling for some reason or another and then she said 'My turn!' and gave a big goofy smile. Girls!

The girls loved the scare crows.

It was a lot of fun and I hope we get a chance to see all of you during the Holidays.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

San Antonio is Deely Country.

We just got back from our trip to San Antonio and it was a great time. I can't tell you how fun it is to see Nathan and my two girls playing together. They are doing pretty well together and there wasn't to much of Nathan getting pushed around and I can tell that he will soon be stronger and faster then they are since all he pretty much does is run around and climb on things. I feel for Andrea, girls are easier to deal with I think and don't do as much climbing and rough housing.

My dad and I were the most recent golf scramble champions, as seen by the winning 'you won!' cake presented to us on the night of win. I think I shot like 4 or 5 birdies and dad may have helped some too. Brian and Kevin didn't stand a chance against a powerhouse like myself.

Here is a picture of the extended Texas family in Tarpley, Texas. This was a great get together and we had fun seeing everyone and letting everyone see our girls and get to know them a little better.

Here is Caitlin and Mikayla with their great Grandmother Margaret, Monnie. Caitlin said when we were driving to the hotel in the car a day or two later 'They are all my family.' Both girls just loved being around the family and getting to play and have fun 24x7.

We had a day at Sea World and that was a lot of fun. The highlight of the day had to be seeing Shamu. They are so large and powerful and I can only hope that they love performing as much as people like to see them.

This pic was one of several good shots I took out of the 20 or 30 I snapped. Its hard to believe an orca that weighs ten thousand pounds or more can jump all the way out of the water, amazing.

This picture tells a funny story, Grandma was reading a story to the kids in our hotel room. After finishing the story Andrea wanted to get Nathan to bed but Nathan didn't want to go with mommy. All the kids kind of laid down and I knew that Andrea was tired and wanted to go to bed so I picked up Nathan and gave him to Andrea. Nathan promptly gave mommy a kiss goodnight and then motioned for me to take him and we all knew that he wanted to go back to bed with the girls. I put him back into bed with the girls and he did not want to leave. He was having fun with the other kids and I guess he wanted to sleep with them that night. He put up a fight when Andrea finally took him away. I wonder if he would have gone to sleep.

The highlights of the trip though were seeing the kids interacting with everyone. Caitlin is getting old enough that she is starting to feel real emotions, not that Mikayla or Nathan can't but they are still in 'baby' mode. So one sad thing that happened was on the final day of the trip we had just gone to the Children's Museum and then to the Hall of Horns. We were at my van saying our goodbyes and Caitlin realized that we were leaving and weren't going to see Grandma for a while and I look back and her little lip is quivering and there are tears in her eyes and she sees me looking at her and says 'I miss grandma.' It was heartbreaking.

The memories she is making now will stay with her for a lifetime and I am so thankful that we were able to have the whole family together and share in the memories with the kids. Thanks Mom and Dad for a great time!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This is the only picture I currently have at work of family. I didn't have any digital prints of myself as a baby and we were having a deal at work where everyone was supposed to bring in a baby pic. So I took this picture in from home of my nephew Nathan Patton, son of my sister Andrea and husband Kevin.

The competition at work was to see if you could put the adult with the baby picture. What was funny is that everyone at work right away said 'Oh that one is Mike Deely'. I told them afterwards that it wasn't me and they said that the nerdy classes were a give away...

Now I am thinking why are nerdy glasses a dead give away for me? Do I exude nerdiness? I like to think that people see me as highly intelligent and nerd's are usually intelligent. So the give away was that I am just insanely smart. Or is it because I am also very cute?

Anyway, the pic is a cute pic I took while in Boise on a trip this year or last? I can't remember.

Let me know what you think of my new blog!

The New Official Deely Blog

Well so here is the first official Blog for the Deely family. I am hoping to make this a spot for everyone Deely and Deely related to come here and find the latest updates and pictures for the Michael J Deely family. This will probably mainly be setup to host pictures of our girls. So hopefully you will find this fun and exciting and maybe I will get the chance to update this on a regular basis.