W.O.W. Results...
WOW I had a great time getting my project done! Moving back into our house with less furniture sure did create a problem - but I came up with some solutions thanks to those who were cheering me on!
Because of this challenge I was able to take 6 large bags of clothes to Other Mothers and get a nice check in return and then I drifted across the street to the Youth Ranch and got a good write off for next years taxes! Thank you Becky for helping me get this done!!!
I decided to up my challenge and do two rooms and I'm very happy with my results. I'm wishing I had a bed frame and dresser but I made it all work!
Here is the before picture of my bedroom... What a mess!!!!
Hi, I'm looking for a Mike Deeley who was a classmate of mine at Nord Jr High in Amherst Ohio back in about 1990. I sat next to him in several classes, but the bullying was bad in our school, and he wasn't with us very long. I've always wondered what became of him, hoping for the best.
Your LinkedIn profile indicates that you're about the right age, and have the same name, and it would not surprise me at all to learn that he had gone into IT. If you're him, or know who he is, I'd love to get in touch, just to know whether he ever finally found his place in the world, as I did.
Karen Stay Ahlstrom
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