It's been awhile since we've posted any updates, so let me see if I can summarize what we've been up to since we've moved back to Idaho in February.

Life has changed so much since we got back. I have to learn to slow down a little, yet I thrive being busy. I think we've been trying to make up for the time away so we packed our summer schedule.
Caitlin started soccer this Spring and has actually
already started fall soccer too. She did great her first season. It was fun to watch her grow and get into it - she was scoring goals almost every game toward the end and in the final game she scored two goals!

She also celebrated her 6th birthday in June as
well as her graduation from Kindergarten.
She wanted a luau party so we invited some of her friends to our new house and had a wonderful day. We live next door to the neighborhood park so the kids were able to go back and forth between our house and the playground.
Mikayla has been doing great as well. She decided she wanted to take tennis lessons this Spring so I signed her up. She loves playing tennis! She will be better then us by the time she is 6! She will be starting Pre-K next week at Calvary Pre-school.

We went on a wonderful Vacation with my parents to Disneyland in July. It was so much fun - we were all completely worn out by the end of the trip. We spent 3 days at Disneyland and one day at Sea World. The girls were amazing - they kept up with us all day and then would crash at dinner. I don't think they ever did make it through dinner without falling asleep. I don't know how Disney does it but they do a great job with making us all feel like kids!

We also took the girls camping for the first time. They had a great time but Mike and I didn't get much sleep. A storm came through and the winds gusts were about 35 miles an hour off and on during the night. We could hear trees falling in the distance and something was walking around outside our tent! We made it through the night and when I opened one of the tent windows in the morning I got a close up look at what was keeping us up - a cow! All night I thought it was a bear, since they have been seen in the area but no it was a big cow. After breakfast we took the girls on a mile hike around part of the lake and I just felt so blessed. We would stop and look at the trees, which now seem bigger then they were before we moved to Texas and look at footprints in the dirt and talk about what animal left them. It was a wonderful peaceful moment and I realized how lucky I am to live in this beautiful state and have such a great family.

On top of all of this we've had visits from our families that live out of state, swimming lessons, lots of BBQ's and Mike and I went to my Up With People reunion in Arizona in August. It was a great weekend and I am so glad that my hubby was able to meet some of my UWP friends. We also added to our family this summer. We got a dog in July - he's a Golden Lab named Cowboy. He is a great dog and can be trained quickly. Mike works with him daily and we are already to a point of being able to take him on a walk without a leash. He is a great addition and the girls love playing with him.
I think that is a pretty good update from us for now. I will try to stay more current.
Take care,
Andi Deely